Friday, January 9, 2015

One Month: A Letter

Dear Morgan,
It seems like yesterday we were headed to the hospital to meet you!
I had every intention of writing this on Jan 5th, your exact one month birthday, but your sick brother had a different idea. But he got to stay home with us for a few days and we both enjoyed that. It has been such a busy first month. You met Santa, went to daddy's work party, celebrated papas birthday, celebrated Christmas, rung in the New Year, and spent lots of time cuddling with Mommy. 

-At your two week appointment you weighed 9lbs 13oz and were 21 inches long. We don't see the doctor for another month so I did the scientific method of weighing myself without you and then while holding you and you weighed 10lbs 14oz, so almost 11lbs! You are growing like crazy little one. You are already filling out your 3 month clothing. You skipped newborn and went straight to the 3 month size and I am not sure how long these will fit! You also went directly into size 1 diapers.
-You love laying in your boppy pillow and looking all around. Your favorite thing was to look at the Christmas tree with all the lights . Sometimes you will watch the TV with your brother and sister. I think you like lights of any kind.

- You have already started smiling. I know this sounds crazy but several people have commented that your smiles are real and not just gas. Your favorite thing to smile at is your brother and sister. You immediately know when they are around and start smiling. Melt my heart.
- You were born with lots, and lots of hair, which is extremely dark. Due to the amount of heartburn I had while pregnant, I predicted you would have lots of hair. You have very long fingers and skinny long toes. Your pinky toe is so long it hides under your other toes! You have several stork bites like your brother did, on your eyes, your upper lip and on your back right above your bottom. When you cry (which isn't very often) they all get super bright red. You have a long torso and super duper short legs, again just like your brother and sister. Your pants are WAY too long. It took a long time for your belly button thing to fall out. Your sister would check on it every day. Once it fell out it looked like you would have an outie belly button but it seems to have gone down a little. Its super cute.

Eating -
- You eat about every 3 hours, sometimes a little less and sometimes a little more. When you get hungry you don't get too upset and you don't cry like a crazy lady. You kind of just yell at us so we know you are ready to eat, then you patiently wait until we change your diaper and such and then you eat. This is something your brother and sister would NOT have done. They would have cried at the top of their lungs until they got food. You are much more laid back.
- You have taken a bottle like a champ! I hope this continues. Your brother and sister did not want to take a bottle AT ALL. I had to buy all sorts or bottles and nipples for them to try and find what worked. For you the first one we gave you, you knew exactly what to do with it! Again your personality seems a little more laid back.

Sleep -
- You are still pretty sleepy all the time, you stay awake maybe 3 or so hours a day, but other then that you are asleep.
- You seem to be able to sleep anywhere! I am trying to put you in your crib for naps but sometimes its the swing, the pack and play, the rock and sleep or my arms. My favorite is when I get to hold your through your nap. I know this time will be short so I cherish this time we have together. This usually only happens when its just you and me at home, when it is nice and quiet.

- We are trying to implement the eat/wake/sleep routine, and for the most part you are doing great! but sometimes you are just too tired to stay awake. Rough life!
- At night time you haven't found your routine. Sometimes you make it 5 hours and sometime 1.5 hours. We will get there, but mommy is ready for some consistent sleep!
- From the beginning, when you eat at night time you go right back to sleep, and for that I am thankful. You eat and I swaddle you up super tight and you are good to go!

Activities -
- Since you were born in the winter, and right in the middle of flu season, we have not been out of the house very much. If we do go somewhere, you stay in the car with either dad or I while the other runs in. I am ready to get out and about but its not worth you being sick. I want to protect you as long as I possibly can.
- You did get to go meet Santa at dads work, but you pretty much slept in your car seat in the corner of the room until it was your turn to meet the him! Then we took a pic with Santa and back to the corner you went.
- You also got to go to daddy's Christmas work party. You were the perfect angel, I am not sure people even knew there was a baby there!
- You have gone to your Papa and Gaga's house. They will keep you for a few hours so Mommy can run errands. Grocery store, bank, etc. You know the fun stuff!
- You helped Madison and Landon bake Christmas cookies, that was an adventure!
- We had to give you a sponge bath for the first three weeks due to your belly button, you didn't seem to mind these. Your first REAL bath though you were not a fan of, but since then you don't seem to mind them anymore. Madison loves giving you a bath and gets mad if you are not home when I give you one. She is such a big helper.
- You celebrated your first Christmas and woke up long enough to snap a few pictures to document the moment.

- You were awake at midnight on New Years Eve, it was just you and me celebrating. That was fine with me!
- I know I have said this before, but Madison and Landon LOVE you. They help with anything you need and always want to know where you are. They also give you a million kisses and hugs a day. They are always in their in your face and this doesn't seem to bother you at all. I hope this love continues.

Morgan Corine, you have been the perfect addition to our family and I cannot believe how quickly this past month has gone. It makes me sad to think how fast you are moving out of the newborn phase but I am excited to watch you grow and see what the future brings for you. I was scared about how on earth I was going to take care of three children, but you have made it easy.

I love you to the moon and back,

Love you always,

Tuesday, January 6, 2015

Snow Day!

The kids had been waiting and waiting for it to snow. And it finally did! The best kind of snow ever, here one day and gone the next. Gaga had bought them some snow coats for Christmas so they were super excited to get to use them. Unfortunately I had to stay in with the baby :) But the 20 min or so they were out their with daddy they had a blast!

3 week

3 week pictures of this little cutie! I promise these are 3 week pictures, I apparently was loving this outfit!

Christmas # 2

Papa Poncho and Grandma Lisa cam over for Christmas round #2. Landon put on Papa's boots and was running around saying "I'm Papa Poncho", adorable! and see, Jake costume. They brought lots of gifts which the kids were super excited about and loved them all.

He got more swords, yippee!


I was up and ready and waiting on the kids to wake up. Well my personal alarm clock Morgan helped with this. When they woke they ran to the tree, and there were only stockings. The look of confusion on Madison's face was priceless. She tried to hide it but I know she was disappointed. Then we pointed her to a note that Santa had left, telling them that he was afraid they would see him so he left all the gifts in the game room. And they were off!
Landon's Spiderman toy and a sword.
Madison got an art desk with all sorts of art supplies. Glue, glitter, markers, paper, stickers, scissors, etc. She was super excited. We have made her an area in the office for her art desk. She loves it.
Landon got a tool bench. He has spent many hours building houses. Super cute!
Morgan got a bouncer for later in life and some cute stuffed animals.

The traditional Christmas morning picture 

Sweet sisters 

They are so cute 
Kisses for his sisters

Morgan's first Christmas

Present time! Landon gets the award for the most excited about his presents. He loved every single one. Even the underwear! He would immediately want the gift opened so he could play with it. Then came the Jake costume. He wore it for 3 days straight, never took it off. Not even to sleep! Madison bought everyone OSU shirts and she was so proud when they opened them. She also got lots of new dress up clothes, which she had to immediately put on. I was so happy they enjoyed everything they got!
This one really could have cared less!

We had such a fun day! I have always loved Christmas and to see it through my children's eyes makes it even better!