Saturday, February 21, 2015

Two Months: A letter

Dear Morgan,

Today you are two months old. Two months!!!

I think you have officially moved out of the newborn stage and this breaks my heart. This past month has flown by! Your cuteness and happiness are contagious! I can't help but smile every time I see you (even at 3 am) Here are some of the highlights from your second month:

Growth -
- You weigh 12lbs and 5oz and are 24 1/4 inches long inches long. You have grown 3 inches since your two week check up! You are 72nd percentile in weight and 98th percentile in height. Your head is also in the 98th percentile, it doesn't look that big to me!
- You still have lots and lots of hair. Some of it on the top has fallen out but not a lot. Your hair is so long it rats into knots on the back of your head when you sleep. No matter what I do those knots just keep coming back!
- You are still in size one diapers but we have opened the last box so as soon as those are gone we will be moving to size two.
- You have been wearing 3 month clothes for some time now, and you are filling those out nicely. We might need a bigger size in pj's next month! You seem to have gotten longer!
- Over the past few weeks your neck has gotten stronger. When I am holding you on my shoulder you love to lift your head up and look around. We try and get some tummy time in but you are NOT a fan. Just like your brother and sister.
- The best part of last month has to be your smile! You love to smile. And you are HAPPY. Genuinely happy. When you wake up, when you get your diaper changed, when I talk to you, ALWAYS happy! You also know who I am, which melts my heart. If someone else has you and you hear my voice you start looking around for me. So stinkin cute.

- You have also tried to make some noises while smiling which looks and sounds like you are laughing. Beyond cute!
- You also love the fan. It keeps your attention for long periods of time and it also makes you smile. You just stare and smile.

- During the day you eat every three hours. Like 3 hours on the dot! Its almost as though you can tell time.
- You eat about 6 times a day, with the last time around 10pm
- You tried to revolt on your bottle usage, but for the most part you are a champ! Much better then your sister or brother!

Sleeping -
- During the day you are pretty much following the eat/wake/sleep routine and you probaby take about 5-6 naps a day.  You are much better with this routine when it is just you and I home where its nice and quiet. When everyone else gets home or if we are all home during the day you don't seem to sleep as much. Either it is too loud or you don't want to miss any of the action.
- You sometimes will sleep and wake up about 45 min into your nap and then I will pick you up and hold you for about 30 more min. This I do not mind at all!!
- You also have the ability to sleep almost anywhere, I think this comes with being a third child.

- For the past two weeks, you have been eating around 10 pm and sleep until 7!! I cannot believe sleeping through the night has come. It was such a long journey for your brother I was prepared for the worst. But you, angel baby, are awesome!
- You love to be swaddled super tight and this is your signal its time to go to sleep. If you get a little fussy I wrap you up and you are out like a light!
- When your daddy holds you, your favorite thing to do is bury your head down into his armpit. Very strange and it does very bad things to your hair but you love it.

- Someties you will take a paci when you are falling asleep and somtimes you hate it. Just depends on your mood.

Activities -
- We have still been locked up in the house due to the bitterly cold temperatures and all the sickness flying around. You are just so tiny I don't want to risk you picking up a germ anywhere. I may be a little crazy about this but I don't care, I just want to protect you.
- Amy and Tim came to babysit you and the other two while mommy and daddy went to see Garth Brooks. You are so spoiled little one, I am pretty sure you were never left alone the entire time. Amy got to tie you to her which I know she loved and you didn't seem to mind!!
- You seem to enjoy laying on your play gym and love to kick the piano and make all sorts of noises. Your brother and sister will lay with you and you love that.

- You still enjoy bath time, until its time to get out! You are not a fan of when bathtime ends. And your hair is crazy after bath, so super curly!
- We celebrated mommy's birthday. Your brother and sister begged to stay home, so GaGa and Papa came over and we enjoyed some homemade pizzas. We also had a celebration at Gaga's so you got to get out of our house for a bit!
- During your 2 month photo shoot your brother was very interested and wanted to join. He loves snuggling with you.

- Your sister loves when you two dress alike, Mommy loves it too!

- There were a few nice days this past month and we ventured out for a stroll around the neighborhood.

Morgan you are such a happy, loving, cuddly baby.

I am sad to see you grow so fast but can't wait to see what changes the next month brings. You are a perfect angel baby and I love you to the moon and back.
Love you forever,

Thursday, February 5, 2015

Newborn Photos!

So one of the highlights of having a newborn, is having her picture taken. If you have ever been to my house you know that my "artwork" consists of beautiful pictures of my children and family. Luckily I have the BEST photographer in the entire universe!
 Kristen Mackey @ sonkissed photography is AMAZEBALLS. Like seriously awesome. She is sooo good with the babies and people of all ages for that matter. She has taken pictures of all of my kids from birth and I am truly lucky to have all of these images from the different stages of their lives.
To say I was excited to go to our session was an understatement. I have envisioned a beautiful picture of my three little blessings followed by the perfect family photo. Well..... my little blessings did not have the same vision. Madison was EVIL. And by evil, I am talking exorcist evil. I seriously thought at one point her head was going to spin off. She wanted NOTHING to do with pictures, boys, listening or pretty much anything but to cry. Waylon was mad, I was sweating, Landon was running around saying cheese and Morgan slept. Ahhh memories.
Evil Madison was ok with taking a picture with just her and Morgan, if anyone else entered, the breakdown started.

Landon on the other hand wanted nothing more then to take a picture with his sister.
Doesn't everyone look so happy! :) 

Sweet angel baby


Then out of nowhere, Madison decided she wanted to wear her PJ's and take a picture. A completely different child appeared. And our Christmas card was made! I love this picture.  


 This shot turned out better then I could have ever imagined. Morgan Corine shares her middle name with my grandma Wilma Corine. She will never get to meet her great grandma but I know should would have loved her. Morgan is posed in my grandmas overnight case. She brought this case to our house EVERY time she came to visit. When we opened it up it still smelled like her. I was so lucky to have suck a wonderful grandma growing up, and this is a picture I will treasure forever.



All of these pictures are so precious and will add to the collection of photos all over my walls. :)