Tuesday, July 26, 2011

This is what you do when it is hot outside!

It has been nothing but HOT outside the past month or so and we were getting a little tired of just hanging out inside. So we decided to see if little miss would enjoy the sprinkler. We had to wait until it was "our" day to water (as to follow the current water rationing rules) so we decided tonight would be perfect! Well almost perfect, all 4 of Madison's bathing suits at at grandma and grandpa's so we had that kid in the neighborhood playing in the front yard sprinkler in a diaper! Oh well, can't be fancy all the time!
 She wasn't too sure so daddy had to show her how it was done!
 Not sure who is having more fun .....

I think sprinkler in the front yard was a success!


  1. This reminds me of the time Mel and Allie were playing in the sprinklers in like November or whenever it was when we got them in trouble...Looks like you all are doing great!
