Saturday, May 14, 2011

The Making of a Bunny Cake ...

Every year, for as long as I can remember, there has been a bunny cake. When my sister and I were younger we would spend Spring Break with our Great Uncle John and Great Aunt Ollie.  This week was always anticipated because we pretty much got to do whatever we wanted, whenever we wanted. And during this week there was ALWAYS a bunny cake. Sometimes the cake would just appear and sometimes we got to kind of help make it but I really don't remember actually making it. You see, Ollie was somewhat of a perfectionist and now that I am older I understand the bunny cake isn't something a perfectionist can tackle with the help of a young child. I decided after Ollie passed away that I would carry on the tradition of the bunny cake. The first year was a disaster, and I remember some tears being shed because I couldn't get it just "perfect". This year there were no tears, and I think the end result turned out beautifully! So for anyone interested in making this delicious cake, follow these simple (haha) steps:

1 chocolate cake mix
2 cans, FLUFFY white icing (must be fluffy)
food coloring
 Prepare cake mix according to instructions on the box:
 Bake in 2 nine inch round pans
 Cut ears and bow out of one cake (I know this somewhat resembles the playboy bunny, but it will get more kid friendly I promise)
 Die part of the icing whatever color you want for the bow-tie, and as the Cake Boss would say, "dirty ice" the cake. This is the point where it is necessary for 2 cans of icing. In order to cover the entire cake I have found it much easier to use 2 cans instead of just one. I believe this is the point last year when the tears came. Cake crumbs were mixing with the icing and my bunny had lots of freckles. To avoid the tears and freckles I decided 2 cans were a must!
 Apply coconut. Die some pink for the inner ears and some green for the grass. Some people don't like coconut as much as others, so I left the bow-tie for them.
 Insert jelly beans for eyes and twizzlers for whiskers (I forgot to buy the twizzlers, oh well maybe next year)
 Family photo opportunity!

I can't wait until Madison is old enough to help with the cake. I will tell her the history of the cake and that it is her Great, Great Aunt Olla Faye that she is named after. Who knows, maybe the gift of the perfect bunny cake making is in her blood.

Just a few photos from where the tradition started ...

1 comment:

  1. Such a neat tradition. I may just have to add it to my family traditions.
