Wednesday, January 18, 2012

My little cupcake :)

This year for Halloween, little miss was a cupcake! and if you ask me she was pretty darn cute! We trick or treated GaGa and PaPa, and then went to GiGi's house. She quickly figured out how to get candy and I think she is a fan of Halloween!

Could this be any more adorable!!!!!!!!!

After making our rounds, we hung out on the porch and handed out candy. Madison figured out that if you suck hard enough you can get the candy out of the wrapper. She is a fan of chocolate, just like her mamma.

Not sure if this face is no more pictures, or no more candy :)

Since they are still too little to care, Addy, Madison and Mackenna were all little cupcakes. I was bound an determinted to have their pictures taken together. Amy, on the other hand drug her feet and complained the entire way. Well guess who's kid cried the entire time, MINE. And Amy's was a perfect angel. This is the best, well actually ONLY picture we got. Aren't they cute?!

Just as a side note, if Amy thinks this will stop me from wanting to drag our adorable children in matching
Halloween cosutmes to get their pictures taken, she would be wrong. In 60 years or so, when we are sitting in the nursing home reminiscing on the past, these pictures will remind us of what fun we had!!!

1 comment:

  1. These are some of my favorite pictures of Madison ever :)
