Monday, February 24, 2014

Valentines Day!

So this year I came up with a plan to go to a pottery place with the kids to make Waylon and
Gaga and Papa Valentine's day presents. Well, taking 2 young kids to a place where pottery is lining the walls, alone was an adventure to say the least.  We decided to make plates with their hand prints on them and our favorite family saying "love you to the moon and back". After picking out the plates the lady tells me that in order for the paint to stand out it needs three coats, THREE COATS, I screamed in my head. How on earth was I going to take a 18 month old and do 3 handprints on top of each other where you can still tell it was a handprint. Well its amazing what you can do with fruit snacks and an I-phone with Bubble Guppies loaded on it. So an hour and a half later, we finished, nothing broke and our plates were just as I had imagined (well kind of). I will say I kind of had a Mommy high when we left!!  Later in the day I realized I had done nothing for the kids, so I enlisted Waylon to gather their gifts. I should have known a stuffed animal would be involved.  We came home to find animals, balloons, flowers, books and cards on the table and Madison FREAKED out. And by freaked out, she started crying saying she didn't want anything and to take it away. I think its safe to say this little girl does not like surprises! She did however love getting cards in the mail from Gaga and Papa and Mackenna.
Little man even got a card!

Waylon's plate ...looks like perfection to me! 

Trying to take a picture of these two is like trying to wrangle wild cats

This one is my favorite!

My beautiful flowers 

Maddy quickly ran these flowers to her room 

We took a quick trip over to Gaga and Papa's to deliver their present

It was a wonderful day filled with family and love!

Sunday, February 16, 2014

She did it!!!

She did it!!! Madison made 2, that's right 2 baskets during her last basketball game! I am pretty sure the entire crowd (well as far as I could tell) threw their arms up in excitement! I know I did, and I had tears in my eyes, tears of pure joy! I hope I can keep the image of the look on her face in my mind forever! She was so proud, so happy, and looked like and NBA all-star to me! Here she is with her medal after the game, so stinking happy!!

I made cupcakes (well I bought cupcakes but made the cute bags that they went in) for the last game.
I am starting to enjoy being a little crafty, I see home room mom in my future :)
 Here are some action pictures of my little all-star

Coaching has been a very humbling experience, but I have loved all of the memories and "mom and Maddy" time we have had together! Can't wait for next year!!!

Thursday, February 13, 2014

Its been a while.....

Its been a while since I have "blogged". I think about it often, but never seem to follow through. I looked back and the last post I made was of Landon's newborn pictures. Well he is now 19 months old, I think that's a long enough break. I read others blogs every day and think how awesome it is that people are documenting their lives and they can look back and remember the little things they may have forgotten. So... instead of living through others lives, I want to start documenting all of the exciting/important times we have in our lives (to the best of my ability). So here goes .....

Monday night was Madison's last basketball practice for the season. I have been coaching her team, and it has been somewhat of a long season. I guess I didn't think through how much coordination and skills basketball takes. I also assumed the goals would be lower and the balls smaller. The balls are smaller  but the goals are still at 8 feet. 8 FEET!!! These kids are 3 and 4 years old. 8 feet seemed impossible! Well there were a few kids who could make it, and most of the games there would be one or two baskets made, total, from both teams. Madison had made 2 baskets during practice the entire season and had come no where CLOSE to making one during the game, which is totally okay because she is into the game, dives for the ball, rebounds and most important of all has FUN. So when we arrived at practice Monday night I expected it to go like any other practice... she would try to make a basket, she wouldn't be able to do it, she would get frustrated and we would end up going home feeling defeated. Well little did I know what was about to come... first during the rebound drill Madison was an animal, she got the first 3 rebounds over all the boys, she was killing it. To the point the other coach asked her to let someone else get the rebound. (I was beaming with pride inside). Next came shooting, and she made one! I was sooooo happy for her. Then she made another, and another and it went on and on. 13 times! She made 13 baskets. The look of pure joy and happiness made my heart melt. She was so proud of her accomplishment she ran around the gym telling anyone who would listen. My shy, quiet little girl was practically screaming at the top of her lungs that she had made 13 baskets. I could NOT have been more proud. When we got in the car she immediately wanted to call her dad and gaga and papa. Waylon didn't answer so when we got home here was the entrance she made:

I mean seriously, HOW CUTE IS SHE?!?!?!?! Now I hope and pray this new found shooting talent will carry on into her game on Saturday ..... if not I won't forget this night anytime soon!