So this year I came up with a plan to go to a pottery place with the kids to make Waylon and
Gaga and Papa Valentine's day presents. Well, taking 2 young kids to a place where pottery is lining the walls, alone was an adventure to say the least. We decided to make plates with their hand prints on them and our favorite family saying "love you to the moon and back". After picking out the plates the lady tells me that in order for the paint to stand out it needs three coats, THREE COATS, I screamed in my head. How on earth was I going to take a 18 month old and do 3 handprints on top of each other where you can still tell it was a handprint. Well its amazing what you can do with fruit snacks and an I-phone with Bubble Guppies loaded on it. So an hour and a half later, we finished, nothing broke and our plates were just as I had imagined (well kind of). I will say I kind of had a Mommy high when we left!! Later in the day I realized I had done nothing for the kids, so I enlisted Waylon to gather their gifts. I should have known a stuffed animal would be involved. We came home to find animals, balloons, flowers, books and cards on the table and Madison FREAKED out. And by freaked out, she started crying saying she didn't want anything and to take it away. I think its safe to say this little girl does not like surprises! She did however love getting cards in the mail from Gaga and Papa and Mackenna.
Little man even got a card!
Waylon's plate ...looks like perfection to me!
Trying to take a picture of these two is like trying to wrangle wild cats
This one is my favorite!
My beautiful flowers
Maddy quickly ran these flowers to her room
We took a quick trip over to Gaga and Papa's to deliver their present
It was a wonderful day filled with family and love!