Monday, March 14, 2011

1st Birthday!!

A couple of weeks ago we celebrated out daughters first birthday! How is it possible that an entire year has gone by?! I no longer have a "baby", I have a one year old. In a matter of minutes, I went from saying I have a daughter that is X number of months to I have a one year old. I think this is going to take some getting use too. We have celebrated all of her first holidays, her first tooth, first time to crawl, first time to say momma and dadda, and the list could go on and on ..... SO when it came time for her FIRST birthday, I knew there would have to be some major celebrating! Mommy and daddy both stayed home from work so we could spend the entire day with our little angel. It was a beautiful day, so we decided to take her to the zoo (for the first time). We had a blast! Madison enjoyed all of the different animals and being outside in general. One small problem, every animal was a duck-ey (pronounced duck-eeeeeeeeeee, in a very loud high pitched voice). Monkeys were duckies, squirrels were duckies, even the lion was a duck-ey. When we actually saw real duckies, she stated quacking at them. I will have to say it was pretty adorable!   

She was very excited to see the duckey (monkey)!

After the zoo, Madison took a nap while we prepared for her party. On her actual birthday, we had a small get together for dinner and of course, cake!

Getting ready to open some presents!

Madison LOVES music cards!

And she got a few cars ....
Why use your feet when someone is willing to push you ...
Cake time... Not so sure about this

Well maybe this tates pretty good!

She thought dad wanted some as well

By bedtime, this was one tired one year old! (mom and dad were pretty tired as well).
The day turned out to be better then I could have imagined and I can't wait to celebrate many more birthdays with this little angel!


  1. Too cute!! Look like you had an awesome day!

  2. Super fun! I am so excited we can be bloggy friends now!
