Saturday, June 27, 2015

A chapter closes

Dear Madison,

Tonight you became a graduate of Yellow Balloon Preschool. I am not sure how this is possible. I still remember the first time I dropped you off two years ago. You cried, I cried, it was not a happy day. You were timid and shy and not in the least bit excited about going to school. I was not ready for you to be in school, so as soon as I left I sat in the car and cried, I was sad to see you upset, sad I was leaving you somewhere alone, and sad you were growing up. For your first year of school you were not very into it. You would go, and tell us you had fun but I never felt like you engaged in the activities. You kind of did your own thing, didn't participate in group activities and cried EVERY SINGLE time I would take you to school. When Lisa would drop you off you wouldn't cry, but if I stayed home from work to take you, you cried. It was a long year. This year however you have completely blossomed. You LOVE school. Sometimes when I drop you off you don't even say bye. You love to be there. You love your teachers. Every time you leave you make sure to give them both the biggest hugs and tell them you will see them next time. On several occasions, your teachers have told me how much you have grown and what a joy you are to be around, that you play with everyone, never get in trouble and have the sweetest heart. This makes me so proud. Tonight, during your end of the year picnic, you were so happy to give each of your teachers a gift. You made sure all three of them got something, even though only two were in your class every day. When we went inside, you found a spot and sat down with your brother. You didn't care if your were next to your friends, you were there to show us how you could sing all the songs and were so sweet to let your brother join you. He looks up to you SOOO much and he was so incredibly happy to sit with you and sing. This just shows me that you are ok to do your own thing and I shouldn't worry about you. Sure, you like your friends, but you are OK with sitting alone. You are growing too fast, and I want time to stop. I told you the other day we were not going to have any more birthday parties for you. You informed me that even if we didn't celebrate it, your birthday would still happen and you would still get older. I guess you are right, I can't keep you from growing up so I am going to try and enjoy every minute along the way. I see big and bright things in your future, little one. And I can promise you, I will cry the second I get in my car after dropping you off at kindergarten in just a few short months. I love you so much and can't wait to see what the future brings.
Love you to the moon and back,

A little throw back to last year



 Mrs. Carrie
 Mrs. Amy
 Mrs. Jennifer

5 months: A Letter

Dear Morgan,

I am sad to say this month's letter got forgotten in the shuffle! I thought about writing it SEVERAL times but I failed to do so. During the time span from 4 to 5 months your sister and brother started staying home full time. So needless to say there was a huge adjustment for all of us! So I am going to write this letter from memory (and from scrolling through pictures on my phone), so wish me luck!

Growth -
- You are approximately 16 lbs. You don't look big or small to me, just perfect. I think you are on the long side as you do not have the same "rolls" on your thighs and your brother and sister did and you weigh close to the same.
- You had another ear infection but you never seem to be bothered by it, so another round of antibiotic's
-You are still not a fan of your tummy, which is why its possible you may never roll over!
-You do enjoy sitting in your bumbo, for a different point of view. Your favorite place is to lay on your little pink mat and play with the toys above while kicking the piano to make lots of lovely songs.
- You are comfortably wearing size 6 month clothes.
- You laugh and smile, ALL THE TIME

Eating -
- You still follow your strict 3 hour eating schedule and eat 6 times a day. You are however becoming a quick eater, you do not like to mess around.
- You still take a bottle like a champ! Mommy is forever grateful for this!

Sleeping -
- This has remained consistent, you are a sleeper.

- You still take several 1-2 hour naps a day, and sleep from about 10pm to 8am. Better then your 2 year old brother does!
- You still don't like the car, so not much sleeping goes on there. Just a lot of crying.
- We still swaddle you tight (this may also play a role in why there is no rolling over)
- You occasionally will take a paci, but I often find you with your thumb in your mouth.

Activities -
- You took your first trip to the aquarium. You looked around at all the animals and then took a nap :)

- You went to Troy's birthday party and let lots of new people hold you. It didn't seem to bother you.

- You started violently kicking in your bath, splashing/flooding the kitchen, I was not ready but your dad insisted we move you to the big bath tub, this to me was just a sign of you growing up, and I was dragging my feet. But he was right it was time.
- You went to lots of soccer games this month, and took lots of naps. Papa held you most of the time as Mommy couldn't keep from yelling at your sister!

- We took a trip to the children's museum and somehow you slept through that. It was so loud in there but you did NOT care!
- We took a trip to the zoo and your brother and sister insisted you get a dinosaur like they had, pretty cute and how was I to say no??!
- We took your first trip to the park while we waited for Madison to get out of school.
- You took your first swim in the pool, it was short and sweet.

Morgan, you are the best baby in the world and growing too incredibly fast. I wish I could pause time. You have been the perfect addition to our family, and we all love you so much!
- You enjoy sitting in your high chair to join in with the big kids
 - Your brother is always helping take care of you. Sometimes he shares his mimi's. That is a BIG DEAL!

 - You are not so sure about the selfie



- The both love you so much. You are one lucky girl!

Love you to the moon and back,