Wednesday, April 22, 2015

Four months: A Letter

Dear Morgan,

You are four months old.

This seems impossible. You are growing too fast and I just want to make time stop! You are the sweetest, most content baby in the entire universe and you make everyone around you smile.
You continue to awe and amaze your brother and sister and the love they both have for you melts my heart.

Your fourth month was a busy one, here are some of the highlights!

- You weigh 15lbs and 2 oz (70%) and are 25 inches long (73%). Perfectly proportioned, well except your head. Apparently you have a large head. Its in the 99th percentile, it doesn't look that big to me! But we can blame this on your dad!
- You are in size two diapers and are still mainly wearing three month clothes. Some of your pj's are six months so your toes aren't all squished.
- At your 4 month appointment, you had a terrible ear infection! I had no clue, you did not fuss or cry or complain one time! Well .... except for when you screamed in the car for 45 straight min on the way home from Fort Gibson, hindsight is 20/20. When we were 2 miles from the house, you stopped and fell asleep. Madison said, Mom all of the crying made me so tired! She tried the entire time to make you happy, but nothing worked :(
- You have found your tongue, it is it long! You love to suck on your hands constantly and there is drool everywhere!
- You have also found you thumb and seem to be a fan of sucking it. I keep trying to stick a paci in your mouth instead, but I will find you after nap with your thumb in your mouth instead. I have to admit, it is pretty stinking cute!
- You are full out laughing. It is one of the sweetest sounds in the world. You are extremely ticklish under your arm/rib area and you will just laugh and laugh.

- You are still sticking to your every three hour schedule and eat exactly 6 times a day. Not one more, not one less. 6 is the magic number to get you to sleep through the night! I usually dream feed you around 10 pm and then I get to see your sweet little face around 8am.
- You are pretty quick to eat, but I am not sure you have figured out how to stop when you are full! You spit up very often, and sometimes large amounts and I think its due to over eating. It doesn't seem to bother you, so we just change your clothes and move on. Your dad on the other hand it bothers, apparently spit-up is his kryptonite. The littlest amount and he practically throws you at me and starts undressing himself.

- You take about 3-4 naps a day, anywhere from 45 min to 3 hours. Depends on the day and what all we have been doing.
- You DO NOT like to sleep in the car, so if we are out and about in the mornings, you will take a long nap in the afternoon. You are pretty flexible when it comes to this.
- You go to bed around 8pm and sleep until 8am, with one dream feeding around 10pm. You are a good sleeper! Maybe once a week or every 10 days you remind me you are only four months old and get up around 4 to eat, but you go right back to sleep. This I can handle.
- You take most of your naps in your swing. I think it helps to drown out the craziness that is going on in the house while you are trying to sleep.
- At night time, you sleep in your crib all night. You still love to be swaddled but usually wiggle out by the morning. You also wiggle from one end of the bed to the other. And when you wake up, you don't wake up mad, you just play and talk to yourself and give me the BIGGEST smile ever when I come to get you up!

-We celebrated your sisters 5th birthday. You attended the party as Princess Aurora. ADORABLE.

- We celebrated Gaga's birthday
- You met the Easter bunny

- Easter bunny brought you a basket full of goodies.

- We made bunny cakes, mom made yours this year, next year you will get to participate.

- We celebrated Easter with of course matching dresses. You however stuck your tongue out during every picture I tried to take!

- We went to a neighborhood Easter egg hunt

- We took our first trip to the zoo. You seemed to enjoy it, except for the train. You were not a fan of the train!
- You started sitting up more and enjoy playing in your bouncer.
You are the best baby ever, and I wish I could freeze time, but I can't. So I am going to enjoy every snuggle I can get while you are little.
Love you to the moon and back,

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Three months: A Letter

Dear Morgan,

Three months! You are three months old. Where has time gone! It feels like yesterday we brought you home. Here are some highlights of your third month with us!

- You are still wearing your three month clothes but have moved into your six month PJ's. You are very long, well your torso is long, you however have the shortest legs! You are growing so fast.
- You have officially moved into size 2 diapers, the one day I squeezed you into a 1 we had a blow out! Lesson learned.
- You still have lots and lots of crazy hair. And I am not really sure what to do with it! It sticks straight out on the back of your head, and today I noticed your brothers does the exact same thing! Yikes!
- The SMILES, goodness you are cute. And you love to smile. You smile at everything. You are also laughing. It is possibly the sweetest thing I have ever heard! You love to lay on my legs and just laugh.
- You have started to realize you have arms and legs and flail around when you are laying on your back. You have started to grab for the toys on your play gym and are really good at hitting the piano with your feet and playing music.
- You have found your hands, that's for sure. You love to suck and chew on them. Then you ball them up while you sleep and they kind of stink when you wake up!

Eating -
- You are still eating every 3 hours, sometimes we get a little off and you may go longer, but you eat 6 times a day. If we miss a time, or run out of time, you wake up in the middle of the night. So I pretty much force you to eat that last time!
- You are still taking the bottle like a champ, and mommy should probably be putting more then 4oz in them, because the other day you were not happy when it was all gone!

- You are still following the eat/play/sleep routine and take about 4 naps a day.
- You go to bed around 10 and sleep until at least 7 every day. This has been the pattern for about a month now. Bless you child, sleep is amazing. Now we just need to teach your brother and sister this and we will be golden!
- You take most of your naps in your swing. We moved it into your room so that when your brother and sister are home you can have some peace and quiet. You also sleep better because when they are home you want to be in on the action and you don't sleep.
- You aren't as much of a fan of allowing us to hold you during your naps, you prefer to nap in your swing. But I try and gent some snuggling in when I can.

Activities -
- We celebrated your first Valentines day with of course matching shirts :)

- Gaga and Papa babysat all three of you little angels so Mommy and Daddy could have a date night. - We had our first big snow with you being as part of our family. Maddy and Landon got to stay home for most of a week so lots of playing went on. We made snow ice cream and watched movies.

- We celebrated your sisters 5th birthday, you came as princess Aura. You were adorable. But this was the first time you had been around a lot of people and you picked up a little cold.

- We went out to dinner for Maddy's birthday and you of course were the perfect angel.
- You still love bath time, and your brother and sister love to help
- Maddy is constantly making you art projects, at school and at home.

I can't believe how quickly you are growing.
You are getting such a personality and are growing way to fast. If I could stop time I would! Since I can't I am going to soak up as much of you as I can. You are the best little baby in the entire world and I could not love you more. I love you to the moon and back!

Love you always,