On Sunday morning, we headed to the fair with our friends Jay and Kami and Waylon's dad and wife met us there. We had so much fun! Madison really enjoyed herself. I had a list of food that I wanted to get and I think we got everything covered (plus a few extra items). We checked out the cakes at the sugar show, stopped by the petting zoo, and ate. That pretty much sums up the day.
Papa, Lisa and Madison. Madison really enjoyed her Papa, and I think he was enjoying it too :) He carried her pretty much the entire day!
Round 1: cinnamon roll

Round 2: corn dog
Everyone got in on the corn dog action

Round 3: pretzel
The off to the petting zoo. Madison wasn't a huge fan of the chickens.
Now these animals she was very amused by
I believe camels spit, had I been hauling her we would not have gotten this close! But those two were having fun so I just stood back and took some pictures :)
She was a big fan of the goats!
Checking out a cow show
Bucking bull anyone??!
Not sure if this is a plea to get her off, or if she is throwing one arm up like a professional bull rider
Round 4: ribeye sandwhich (by far the best thing all day)
Round 5: ice cream
Maybe they thought they needed this after all the food??!
Round 6: roasted corn (thought we could throw in something healthy, even though I am pretty sure it was drenched in butter)
I think she was a fan of the butter
Ah to be a baby, to just lay back and put your feet up where ever you are would be amazing
Round 7: fried cookie dough. I wanted to try something fried that wouldn't normally be fried. Let me tell you, the saying, "everything is good fried" is not true. Cookie dough is NOT good fried. Oh well at least now I know!
Round 8: cotton candy. As if there hadn't been enough, Kami got some cotton candy on the way out the gate!
We had such a fun time and I can't wait to see what they fry next year!